Airport Health Organisation Indore is the sub-ordinate office of Directorate General of Health services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India to ensure implementation of International Health Regulation and The Aircraft (Public Health) Rules at Pune International Airport. This organization works under administrative and technical control of Public Health (International Health) section of Directorate General of Health Services, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

Routine Activities:
  1. Surveillance of International Passengers and Crew for yellow fever disease
  2. Quarantine of Passengers
  3. Public health clearance of dead body/human remains
  4. Food Safety duties
  5. Vector surveillance
  6. Flight Dis-insection
  7. Sanitary Inspection
  8. Training & Teaching
  9. Protocol Duties

Emergency Duties:
  1. Assist Medical & Flight Emergencies
  2. Public Health Emergency of International Concern

Officer Incharge
Dr. Chandrasekhar Marotrao Gedam
Address :

Phone/Fax :

Email :