Airport Health Organization, CCS International Airport, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh under Regional office for Health and Family Welfare, Lucknow,U.P. It is the sub- ordinate office of Directorate General of Health services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India to ensure implementation of International Health Regulation and The Aircraft (Public Health) Rules in CCS International Airport, Lucknow. This organization works under administrative and technical control of Public Health (International Health) section of Directorate General of Health Services, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Basic aim is establishment of APHO for proper implementation of IHR at the international airport to control and prevent international spread of PHEIC.
Vision is of a world safe and secure from infectious diseases threats by prevention, rapid detection, transparent reporting and mitigation of outbreaks through interconnected global network.
Major theme of response is early warning system, creating awareness among people, screening at POEs, vector surveillance and intersectoral coordination and collaboration.
- Thermal Screening of International Passengers for COVID-19.
- Surveillance of international passengers and crew for yellow fever disease.
- Public health clearance of dead body/human remains.
- Assistance in medical and flight emergencies.
- Periodic monitoring of vector control activities to ensure that aedes aegypti index is regularly maintained as per the prescribed international norms.
- In case of public health emergencies outbreak: activation of PHECP, screening, coordination with national/state/local agencies and reporting of data.
Officer Incharge
Dr. V.K. ChaudharyAddress :
Government of India, Regional office for Health and Family Welfare, 9th Floor, Hall No. -03, Kendriya Bhawan, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024Phone/Fax :
0522-2332399,0522-2325268Email :